Eric Jackson

As a Program Associate, Eric works to facilitate the Up to Us program at Net Impact. His work focuses on leadership development, community management, and promoting civic engagement. He is excited to work directly with students and leaders to help them create successful campaigns at campuses across the country. Eric is a strong proponent of civic engagement, and believes that it is an important piece to building a more equitable and sustainable future for all people.
Originally from the Metro-Detroit area, Eric is a recent graduate from the University of Virginia. At UVA, he earned a degree in Political Philosophy, Policy, and Law and two minors: One in French and another in Public Policy. Before joining Net Impact, Eric was a Research Associate at the Alliance for Citizen Engagement where he led their Human Rights and Equality Team.
I grew up wanting to be: A wide receiver for the Detroit Lions
When I need to relax, I: Turn on soul music from the 70s
The best advice I ever got was: “Life is about change. You must embrace the future and learn from each triumph and tragedy”
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