Audencia Business School 8 Route de la Jonelière 44312 Cedex 3Nantes France
'Les restaurants du coeur' need our help.
Please join our Christmas donation to help people around us.
Bring food to our class room. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Western Washington University 516 High St Bellingham, WA98225 United States
The #LocalImpact16 Conference will empower the next generation of sustainability and social responsibility leaders by providing access to networking events, engaging workshops, and discussions lead
Impact Hub Seattle 220 2nd Avenue South Seattle, WA98101 United States
Business leaders, distinguished guests, Pinchot University students, faculty, alumni, and community partners: join us for the Net Impact Pinchot auction for an evening of fun, inspiration, and netw
Linvilla Orchards 137 W Knowlton Rd Media, PA19063 United States
The chapter membership went to Linvilla Orchards, a local farm and fall themed fair of sorts. Linvilla is operated as a relatively small business, selling its own produce and fresh goods.
Beirut, Hamra, Bliss Str, American University of Beirut, Olayan School of Business Beirut Lebanon
AUB Innovation Day aims to celebrate innovation in different fields by creatively engaging the entire AUB community in educational interactive activities.
Whirlyball Chicago 1825 W Webster Avenue Chicago, IL60614 United States
A Net Impact Social event to bring students together for a fun filled evening played whirlyball - a sport that is a mix of bumper cars, lacrosse, and basketball.
800 Degrees 812 Church St Evanston, IL60209 United States
A social event for members of the Net Impact Board to get to know each other better in order to work better together and learn from each other's previous experiences.
Bat 17 1709 Benson Ave Evanston, IL60201 United States
Get together with 2nd year social impact interns to talk about our summer experiences and share thoughts about full-time recruiting, whether or not in the social impact space.
The New Mart 127 East 9th street Los Angeles, CA90015 United States
Beyond the Label will join students and fashion industry experts to talk about the issues regarding sustainability, pollution and fair wages in the fashion industry.
Nubian Queen Lola 1815 Rosewood Austin, TX78701 United States
Trade it up Tee Shirts---take thousands of tee shirts to Queen Lola's mission/restaurant in Austin to assist her work in feeding and clothing the homeless.
Gracias Madre 8905 Melrose Avenue West Hollywood, CA90069 United States
We love our partnership with LA+Acumen so much that we want to celebrate! Join LA+Acumen and NetImpact LA as we celebrate the holidays and as we look forward to another great year ahead!
Net Impact Chapter Leader's House Iowa City, IA52245 United States
Net Impact University of Iowa Undergraduate chapter is hosting an end of the semester holiday party! We'll have food, drinks, and games. Bring a white elephant gift for our gift exchange!
A+D Museum 6032 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA90036 United States
After our awesome MakeChange awards ceremony, Net Impact LA is partnering with Green Business Networking and 7 other partner friends on THE social impact holiday party of the season!!!!
Middlesex Fells 235 West Foster St Melrose, MA02176 United States
Join Simmons Net Impact for our own version of Opting Outside on Black Friday, following in the footsteps of REI. Come walk off that Thanksgiving dinner!
Donatos Pizza and Pub 2084 North High Street Columbus, OH43201 United States
Please join us as we welcome the Chief Operating Officer of Donatos speak about the business case for sustainability. He will detail his background with Pepsi and discuss plans for Donatos