The people in your Pinchot Community are invaluable resources to grow your web of industry connections. Use this event to make this community yours. Join us for an evening of mingling and meeting fellow students. This is an opportunity to learn about student groups and leadership opportunities that will be available to you throughout the academic year.
Diversity and Social Justice Committee
As our essence we build resilient communities through social justice and diversity work. This is our shared responsibility. We ask difficult questions. We speak difficult truths. We learn as much as we teach. We step up. We stand up. We live the inspired life. We invite others to join us. Because socially just and diverse world is a sustainable one.
Net Impact Committee
Net Impact's mission is to improve the world by by growing and strengthening a network of new leaders who are using the power of business to make a positive net social, environmental and economic imiipact. Pinchot's Net Impact chapter's goals are: to build a stronger network between Pinchot and the greater national community of sustainable, social impact business; and to provide students resources to strengthen their access to the community and careers beyond graudation.
Kaizen is a term that means continual improvement. Kaizen is held monthly in the MBA in Sustainable Sytems program and twice per quater in the MBA in Sustainable Business program to facilitate the continuous improvement of Pinchot and its programs.
Masctos are selected in the MBA in Sustainable Systems program to uphold and maintain the unique spirit of Pinchot