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Member of the Month

Feburary, 2014
Tyler Hoge

I am a Senior Finance major with a minor in Energy, Business, and Finance. I will be graduating in the Spring and working as a Financial Analyst at Eclipse Resources in State College. I have a passion for promoting corporate social responsibility and sustainability, and I am excited to lead Net Impact efforts to hold the first annual Smeal Corporate Citizenship Conference on March 24th!

March, 2014
Lizzie Johnson

I am a junior majoring in Human Capital Management with a minor in International Business. I enjoy being involved with Net Impact to promote corporate citizenship and engage others in citizenship actions. I am also involved with the university through Club Cheer and THON. Having the opportunity to be a member of the Smeal Corporate Citizenship Conference team was an amazing experience and I am looking forward to next year’s conference!

2015 THON Dancer
Elizabeth Peterson

I am a senior majoring in Community and Economic Development with a specialization. I have been involved with THON since freshman year but still wanted to take one step further. In Sept. 2014, I teamed up with my friend Kirsten McGroary to independently raise funds for THON. In the next few months, we held canning trips, fundraisers, and raised awareness for the fight against pediatric cancer. By February, we were able to raise $12,747.54 for the cause. As a result, we were chosen to take part in the 46 hour dance marathon over THON Weekend. This experiences is a life changing opportunity to me. It shows people that giving back to communities on an individual basis can make just as large of a difference.