Jump First: Managing a Major Mission Shift
About the Webinar
In 2009, Conservation International (CI) announced a major mission shift: after 20 years dedicated to biodiversity conservation, the organization turned its focus to empowering societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature, in order to deliver measurable improvements in human well-being. It was a leap of faith—and a risky move—that landed CI squarely in the then controversial and amorphous nexus of conservation and international/economic development.
Four years later, CI is wrapping up the arduous but rewarding journey that has transformed key stakeholders from skeptics to champions to implementers. In this webinar, you’ll learn about the missteps and triumphs that ensued while shifting a large international organization toward a new strategic direction.
Jude Wu is Senior Director, Strategy Analysis at Conservation International (CI). Since 2010, Jude has supported senior leadership at CI in the development of CI’s new institutional strategy: to help society adopt the conservation of nature as the foundation of development.
Her team also drives the development and implementation of the new annual and five-year strategic planning and management reporting process for CI divisions and country programs.
Jude holds a Master in Environmental Management from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and a B.A. in Politics from Princeton University. Among her passions are long hikes in vast wilderness areas such as Patagonia.