Impact at Work: Introduction to Re-Paper Project
About the Webinar
When every dollar counts, the economic and environmental benefits of recycled paper continue to grow – join the RePaper Project, an ongoing effort of the Environmental Paper Network that works to increase recycling rates across the country in order to support the recycled paper industry in North America. You’ll learn how the RePaper Project collaborates with office building managers to help increase recovery rates from some of the largest paper users out there, and discover how your building or organization can both benefit from and contribute to paper recovery.
Pam Blackledge: After graduating from Iowa State University with a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology and Environmental Studies, Pam moved to Washington, DC to pursue a career in the environmental nonprofit world. For the past 17 years she has lived coast to coast working on a diverse range of environmental and social issues. For the past 4 years, she has worked strictly with the Environmental Paper Network (EPN), building the RePaper Project to promote and expand recycled paper manufacturing. Working with a vast array of stakeholders including the paper industry, government, non-profits, academia, and businesses, she has created collaborative efforts to advance paper recycling in North America.