From Zero to Impact: Behind the Scenes of an Innovative Employee Engagement Program
When TD Bank, the US subsidiary of the Toronto-Dominion Bank Group, set out to launch an employee engagement program in 2012, they knew they had something ambitious in mind: an effective and enduring program that would engrain sustainability in the company’s DNA. But with 26,000 employees dispersed in 1,300 stores across the United States, the roadmap was far from clear. Forging a new path with little initial data, the TD Bank team developed creative and analytic solutions: testing their program against a control group, establishing performance-based metrics, and diving deep into company culture to create a program that worked for a diverse range of employees.
In this Issues in Depth call, we’ll go behind the scenes of TD Bank’s environmental employee engagement program with its Head of Environmental Affairs, Diana Glassman, diving deep into the design and implementation of their pilot. Join us to learn what it takes to launch an environmental employee engagement program from zero to widespread impact… and how you can apply TD Bank’s lessons in your own company.
Diana Glassman is Head of TD Environment at TD Bank. Diana collaborates with TD Bank’s senior executive team to embed environment throughout the bank, which includes 26,000 employees spread across 1,300 locations from Maine to Florida. She developed the strategy and led execution of TD Bank’s innovative environmental employee engagement program. She was formerly Head of the Americas at Credit Suisse’s Environmental Business Group and a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Diana was lead author of The Water-Energy Nexus: Adding Water to the Energy Agenda. She is a frequent speaker and commentator on issues related to business and the environment. Diana is a graduate of Yale, Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School.
Marc Gunther writes and speaks about business and sustainability. He is editor at large of Guardian Sustainable Business US and a contributor at FORTUNE magazine. Marc is the author of several books, including Faith and Fortune: How Compassionate Capitalism is Transforming American Business (Crown Business, 2004). His ebook, Suck It Up: How capturing carbon from the air can help solve the climate crisis, was published as an Amazon Kindle Single. Marc was a senior writer at FORTUNE from 1996 to 2008. A graduate of Yale, he lives in Bethesda, MD. He has run 20 marathons, slowly.