Can CSR Reporting Drive a Virtuous Cycle?
About the Webinar
CSR reporting is quickly becoming a “must-do” as stakeholders and investors alike look to understand companies’ performance on key sustainability issues. But beyond sharing a company’s story, can reporting be a two-way street and impetus for further positive change? In this call, hear from two corporations on current trends in sustainability reporting – including the movement for integrated reporting – and how their efforts are driving stakeholder engagement and greater change within their companies’ operations.
Suzanne Fallender has more than 15 years of experience in the fields of corporate responsibility and corporate governance. For the past six years, she has led Intel’sapproach to reporting and transparency and engagement with external stakeholders and socially responsible investors, including publication of Intel’s latest CSR report. Suzanne currently leads Intel’s global strategic initiative to improve education and technology access for girls and women, as well as Intel’s shared value strategy and measurement activities. Suzanne holds an M.B.A. from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University and a B.A. from Trinity College in Hartford, CT.
Teri Treille is the lead manager for Cisco’s CSR Report and engagements with ESG investors, analysts, and customers. She leads colleagues through the process of establishing sustainability goals and measuring performance, and also leads the annual materiality analysis, ongoing benchmarking, and the identification of emerging issues. Treille has been on the CSR reporting team since Cisco started reporting in fiscal 2005. With three cohort friends, she founded Students for Responsible Business (now Net Impact!) at Portland State University, where she completed her MBA. She lives in Northern California with her husband and son, and enjoys hiking in the redwoods and supporting the San Jose Earthquakes.