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Net Impact Core Values

Net Impact Core Values

Our Core Values


  • We believe business can and must be a force for good, using its power and influence to address the most critical issues that face all people and the planet. 


  • The next generation of social impact and sustainability leaders is prepared and motivated to influence and lead. We exist to inspire, equip, and activate diverse leaders and provide an ecosystem that enables them to advocate for the planet and build a more inclusive, equitable society for all people.


  • We believe that no company, organization, or individual is perfect. There is always more work to be done, AND progress should be encouraged. We believe that positive changes from the business community-- even if they are incomplete or imperfect-- have a tremendous impact on momentum toward climate and social justice.


  • The urgency for action is great, and we cannot create lasting, systemic change alone. We believe that setting the right course of action requires authentic collaboration with diverse audiences and stakeholders in order to drive large-scale change. Only through collaboration and shared commitments to progress across industries, sectors, academia, and communities can we build a prosperous, equitable future.


  • We work with corporations and other institutional partners that present an authentic commitment to improving their (and others’)  practices and are actively working to make both credible and measurable positive environmental and social impacts. Guided by our work with GOOD Institute and our Corporate Partnership Principles, we continually evaluate these partnerships to ensure accountability and a shared alignment with our mission.