Key Focus Area: STEM for Good
Key Focus Area: STEM for Good
“Our global youth must have access to the educational tools necessary to not only enter the workforce - which STEM hastens - but to attain knowledge, skills, and values that lead to continued prosperity and peace for themselves, their communities, and the planet”. - Peter M. Lupoff, CEO, Net Impact and GOOD Institute
The fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have historically brought about unprecedented, exponential change. From the skyscraper to vaccines to the internet, the modern world has been shaped by game-changing innovations that completely shifted the way we live. Now, as we face some of the most pressing crises of our time—including wide-spread inequity, social injustices, and climate change—STEM continues to promise a profoundly different tomorrow than the one we foresee today. Yet no scientist, engineer, or mathematician can accomplish this through individual, isolated creativity. Problems of this complexity and scale require solutions greater than the sum of their ideators.
Net Impact seeks to inspire, empower, equip, and activate STEM students and professionals to impact people and planet in meaningful, positive ways. Our STEM for Good work supports a network of individuals who desire to use their skills to address the challenges facing the globe today. Through events, programming, and inspired content, Net Impact connects this network to a hub of information, career resources, and innovation opportunities in the social, environmental, and technological space while enabling them to build their skills, stay on top of trends, and take their ability to make an impact to the next level.
To learn more, join the STEM for Good community and you’ll receive a special newsletter, or participate in one of our open programs to get involved.
Companies and organizations looking to support Net Impact’s efforts to inspire positive change through STEM for Good are encouraged to schedule a call with our team.