Key Focus Area: Climate Change and the Environment
Key Focus Area: Climate Change and the Environment
“We need a ‘climate just’ pathway. The risks posed by global warming in excess of 1.5°C are large and unpredictable and in some cases irreversible. - Mary Robinson, former U.N. Special Envoy on Climate Change
The effects of climate change continue to become more prominent every year. Temperatures are hitting record highs, dry seasons are starting earlier and lasting longer, and extreme weather is becoming the new normal. The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere, as of May 2020, is the highest it has been in human history.
At Net Impact, we understand our elite role to serve as a nexus for corporations, academic institutions, and foundations to connect with our network around shared sustainability and climate change goals. Sustainability is a crucial part of our foundation, through the programs and events we run, the partnerships we form, and the chapter communities we help facilitate. Creating a more sustainable world by combating climate change is an integral part of what we do and who we are.
Learn more about our Chapter Communities and our open programs to get involved.
Companies and organizations looking to support Net Impact’s environment and climate change efforts are encouraged to schedule a call with our team.