The Salons @ Earth Week
The Salons @ Earth Week is a unique, full-day experience where you can learn from and engage with the trailblazing people driving sustainable change in business and to celebrate the community of practitioners moving us towards the sustainable economy.
The event features a slate of industry luminaries who are working on the next frontiers of sustainable business. . Participate in Morning Salon--an experiential event where you will engage with experts from different industries to design groundbreaking sustainable solutions. Rick Kilmer, CEO of FLOR, is our Morning Salon presenter—he’s “how might we” question is key to many sustainable companies-- Join us to learn how Adam Block worked with Alice Waters, Thomas Keller and Charlie Trotter to change the restaurant industry, and why he now has a full-time forager on staff. Hear how Greyston Bakery uses an open hiring system to bring in employees (no questions asked) and how Threads 4 Thought’s commitment to sustainability shaped its company Finish the day with the Happiest of Happy Hours sponsored by Florim where you’ll meet your peers across sustainable design—architecture, interiors, food and fashion and more!