Making Meaning - How to weave the world a better place
Ten Meters of Thinking is a unique visual verbal experience where Paul Hughes draws live as he speaks along ten meters of paper. Finding meaning is our greatest task. We all long to find work that is meaningful because when we find it we feel connected, we feel that we belong, we feel that we are contributing. We all long to belong.
This masterclass is for individuals & organizations who want to find meaningful work & be able to make meaningful contributions to the world.
The quality of our work is defined by the quality of the meaning we make. And it all starts by finding what is meaningful for us as individuals. However, many people have not found, or been able to connect, meaning to their work. Yet it remains our primary job description.
Meaningful work is as important for organizations as it is for individuals. Work is being redefined by ‘meaningful work’. Organizations now have the responsibility of creating workplaces that are meaningful, products & services that add real value, and a brand that invites people to belong.
So finding meaningful work is only the beginning; we still need to find a way to convert our meaning into value for others. We only belong when we feel we are actively contributing to the world. When we actively make meaning, we become true makers. Beyond producing functioning products and services, the true value of a designer/creative/maker is in making meaning. Whether you are an individual or an organization making impact all starts with finding meaningful work.
In this masterclass we will explore:
What is meaningful work?
It all begins with a personal definition. Only you know what is meaningful.
What can I do? What is my role in making the world a better place?
We all have a part to play. Changing the world starts with us. And soon our circle of meaning is enlarged by inviting others into our work.
Who else is doing this? Who is making meaningful contributions?
Making impact is a collective process. Many like-minded people are actively making change. They call themselves impact makers, change makers, social innovators, social entrepreneur, designers, creative leaders, and ‘makers’. Whatever they are called, we are all now one of them.
Are there meaningful workplaces?
Beyond status & financial rewards, meaningful work is the greatest driver of motivation. The best organizations are developing meaningful workplaces and are creating products & services that add real value. When this happens people want to be part of that organization and belong to that brand.
Finding meaningful work & making the world a better place is an active process. It is a process of weaving personal meaning with the making of meaningful products & services. We are now all called to find work that weaves the world a better place.
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