Health Insurance 101 for Startups and Freelancers
Open Enrollment is here again, and as an independent professional or small startup, you are probably wondering about your options in this age of uncertainty.
Come join us and Emily Brice, Deputy Chief of Policy and Strategy for the Massachusetts Health Connector, for this breakfast workshop where all your questions about health coverage can be answered.
Have you just gone out on your own, and are wondering how to secure coverage? Hiring employees and want to do right by them with health insurance? Learn the ins and outs of health coverage for both independent workers and small businesses, including new opportunities available through the state. Emily will also be unveiling the Health Connector for Business, a new program to help businesses insure their teams, regardless of size.
About the presenter:
Emily Brice is the Deputy Chief of Policy & Strategy for the Massachusetts Health Connector, which has served as a state-based marketplace for over a decade. Prior to her role at the Health Connector, she served as the Senior Health Policy Advisor to Washington State Insurance Commissioner Kreidler during Affordable Care Act implementation and as Staff Attorney at Northwest Health Law Advocates, a consumer legal advocacy organization. Emily began her career in clinic-based social services as the Chicago Site Director for Health Leads. She is a graduate of the University of Washington School of Law and University of Chicago.
About the Massachusetts Health Connector:
Since 2006, the Massachusetts Health Connector has made it easy for individuals and small businesses to find and compare affordable health insurance in Massachusetts. Today, over 250,000 Massachusetts residents have health insurance through the Health Connector, including over 1,000 employers purchasing coverage thorough our small business option, Health Connector for Business. Employers who choose Health Connector for Business can take advantage of a new and easy website to compare plans, small business tax credits (for-profits can save up to 50% and non-profits can save up to 35%); no fees or membership dues; a Wellness Track program (employers can save up to 15% of their contribution towards premiums); and automatic renewal so it’s simple to renew every year. Starting in 2018, Health Connector for Business will also feature new choice options where employers can set a fixed contribution and let their employees shop between over 50 plans from 8 leading health insurers! Find out more at