Circling The Drain – Water Scarcity’s Imminent Risk To Global Business
As the world population and global economy continues to expand, many corporations are taking large-scale resource depletion into consideration, and adapting their business plans to mitigate resource risks. While many of these scarcity strategies extend far into the future, one resource is becoming an immediate cause for concern for companies with potential supply risks in as little as one year: water.
Water is often perceived as the most abundant resource on the planet; but as many are already realizing, this is not the case. Identified by the World Economic Forum as one of the top three global risks to business, over half of the largest global companies recognize that they are open to water-related risks, and many believe water scarcity could hinder business growth in the short term.
Join moderator Tad Radzinski, panelist Kim Marotta, and a representative from the U.S. EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water live on Thursday, August 13 to learn the risks water scarcity is posing to businesses; how organizations are addressing water dependency in their operations and throughout the supply chain; and how some forward-thinking organizations are leveraging this global problem to foster innovation and create value.