Hello Classmates, the time has come to invite all of you to Snacks and Net Impact, our first casual hangout for new members. What is Net Impact, you ask? It’s a grassroots, global movement of students and emerging impact leaders who want to use their skills to make a positive impact for people and planet.
For this first meeting, we will provide a casual hang out while exposing you to the greatness that is Net Impact. As part of this first meeting, we will be hosting a space to spark thoughtful conversation, and reflect on how we want to best utilize the last few months in our program. I hope you'll join us and feel free to ask us any questions!
MEETING DEETS: Burlington Waterfront, Friday, May 14th @4:30PM
With that, here is an agenda for the event to get you PUMPED…you can even get ahead of the game and sign up to be a Member of our Net Impact chapter!
2. Let’s talk about Net Impact!
-Get the gist of who we are here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEeONhPflE/Cc9UseB3uOsYBc2ozeA5Aw/view?utm_content=DAEeONhPflE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton
-Sign up to become a member (by going to the chapter Net Impact page) ! Being a member is non-binding. It will give you an opportunity to stay in the loop for Net Impact events, resources, and networking opportunities.
-Discuss: What would you want to get out of Net Impact?
3. Small group share: What are people’s professional / practicum goals for the summer?
4. Hanging out and having fun!
XO, Net Impact SIMBA Admin (aka: Alicia, Jackie, Ceal, Casey, & Delaney)