ISSP Colorado Chapter is pleased to announce that our next event will be held as part of the Executive Night series. This successful monthly series of sustainability events was founded a few years back by Regis University Denver and iCAST, which have recently invited the CU Denver Business School to join them in organizing and hosting some of these evening programs. CU Denver’s Net Impact group has once again kindly agreed to host this event in the Tivoli Student Center, Room 4400.
The highly acclaimed Wisdom Panel session at ISSP’s recent annual conference in Denver prompted the idea for a Colorado Sustainability Wisdom Panel to bring together local experts who have long been involved in the field and watched sustainability emerge from a scarcely known concept a dozen years ago into a major strategic driving force for many of the world’s leading companies.
We’re delighted to let you know that the following have accepted our invitation to participate in the Colorado Wisdom Panel on February 10:
Bart Alexander, former Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, Molson Coors
Catherine Greener, Vice President, Sustainability, Xanterra Parks & Resorts
Jack Rizzo, Vice President, Sustainability, Prologis
The event will take the form of a moderated panel discussion. The moderator will seed the discussion with a few pointed questions about where sustainable business stands today and where it’s headed in the future, after which it will be opened up to those in attendance to fire their own questions at the panel. There will be plenty of opportunity for attendees to network with the panelists and one another during the evening.