Colorado Leeds Net Impact
About us
Net Impact empowers a new generation to drive social and environmental change throughout their careers. Our volunteer-led chapter drives change by creating a like-minded community and providing events and programs that support members who aim to use business as a force for environmental & social impact. Join us!

Leeds Social Impact Consultants, Board Fellows, and the Net Impact Case Competition are affiliate organizations to the Leeds MBA Net Impact chapter.
Leeds Social Impact Consultants (LSIC) is an MBA student-run consulting service for social enterprises and local Boulder/Denver companies. LSIC provides consulting partnerships that help improve community awareness, operational efficiencies, strategic direction, and/or sales and marketing efforts. By collaborating with these businesses, student teams gain valuable experience and connections that can be used throughout their education and into their professional lives.
Board Fellows is an MBA student-led organization that provides opportunities for students to serve as a non-voting board members for local non-profits. Board Fellows enhances the experience of students interested in consulting, working with nonprofits as a board member, developing business acumen, and networking with like-minded individuals.
Net Impact Case Competition The Net Impact Case Competition brings together graduate students, executives, and businesses that share a commitment to innovative business practices that yield positive social, environmental and financial returns. The national competition provides students the chance to display their ability to solve problems using a multi-disciplinary approach to sustainability-focused professionals and companies. The case competition is run by a separate team of student leaders in coordination with the Leeds School of Business Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility (CESR). Case competition information can be found here: https://www.colorado.edu/business/CESR/people-groups/nicc-overview