Fletcher's Net Impact chapter is happy to announce the school's plans to expand its Corporate Responsibility Curriculum for Spring 2015.
Danish Professor Jette Knudsen, previous head of The Copenhagen Centre for CSR and project leader of a CSR task force for the CEO at Maersk, arrived at The Fletcher School in Fall 2014 to teach the school's first Corporate Social Responsibility class. This semester, Jette is expanding the school's Corporate Responsibility curriculum to include a seminar that offers an in-depth overview of cross-sector partnerships between governments, civil society and business. The seminar highlights different forms of cross-sector partnerships such as multi-stakeholder initiatives, public private partnerships, cross-sector social initiatives, cause-related marketing, and event-sponsorship and analyses conditions for successful cross-sector partnerships, as well as some limitations of such programs. The course also addresses social impact assessment and how “multi-nationalization” of business can drive the emergence and configurations of cross-sector partnerships.
Additionally, the school's Field Studies in Global Consulting class is pleased to present Southwest Airlines' Community Relations department as its newest client - the class will help this major US airline fulfill its corporate social responsibility mandate by creating an international community outreach and philanthropic giving strategy as it expands to Mexico and the Caribbean. The Fletcher School's relationship with Southwest Airlines was initiated at the last annual Net Impact Conference in Minneapolis, MN in November 2014.