Since 2013, Fletcher's Institute for Business in the Global Context (IBGC) has hosted dynamic annual fora on the intersection of inclusive growth and business. This year, Net Impact leaders have been asked to help with content creation and speaker acquisition, and all members are invited to attend as participants or volunteers.
The 2015 conference “Inclusion, Inc.” will draw upon IBGC’s ongoing research in Sustainable and Inclusive Business Activities (SIBA) focusing on key barriers and common issues to inclusive business at scale in emerging and developed markets. “Inclusion, Inc.” will explore the role of corporations in supporting more inclusive and sustainable business models. Key topics for discussion within this theme will include the language of SIBA, measurement, and the role of catalytic individuals vs. mandates within corporations. Illustrative areas may include:
Barriers to Scaling Inclusive Activities – and Potential Solutions
Human Capital & Innovation | Digital Inclusion
The Core Competency Trap
The Role of Public Policy | Building Effective Partnerships
Impact Measurement and Incentives
Sustainability | The Future of Consumer Goods & Agribusiness
“Inclusion, Inc.” will bring together students, scholars, and representatives from government, industry, and NGOs to engage in meaningful knowledge sharing, discourse, and ideation.