Thanks to EVO Car Share representatives for speaking at our Lunch and Learn. The EVO reps provided wonderful insights about the Sharing Economy in Vancouver. EVO, created by BCAA, offers Vancouverites an alternative transportation method that provides flexibility and comfort at a low price. The reps talked us through EVO’s grassroots marketing strategy, legislative issues, and what they see as the future of the Sharing Economy within Vancouver. Their prediction? Transportation will get much easier because of the increasing number ways to get from point A to point B. (Also- autonomous cars).
The Sharing Economy offers a wide array of benefits to consumers, including: more choices, cheaper prices, and the sense of community that sharing provides.
We will leave you with some food for thought- what do you think the future of the Sharing Economy will be like? How will it change traditional business practices? And how can companies authentically participate in this practice while focusing on their bottom line?