The Net Impact SF Professional Chapter invite the entire Bay Area Net Impact community to go Off the Grid! Join us for a fun night of food, community, and the opportunity to learn about a movement empowering food entrepreneurs. Catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and recap the Net Impact Conference.
Representatives from Off the Grid will be at the event to talk about Off the Grid’s history and what they envision for their future. In addition we will have a representative of Peerby, the newest online community platform that helps build community through borrowing and sharing.
All Net Impact Chapters members and non members (undergrads, graduate students, & professionals) are invited; be ready to make new connections and tell us what you are passionate about and what Net Impact SF events you’d like to see.
Come have dinner at some of the best food trucks in town! (food trucks to be identified here)
5pm - 6pm: Networking
6pm - 6:45: Presentation by:
Net Impact SF Board
Off the Grid: Clayton Carlson & Alvina Kwong
Peerby: Stephanie Ciancio
6:45 - 9: Networking, Dinner, Drinks
Free admission, and food for purchase at venue.