Jumpstart Your Career in 2015
Many people give little thought and do little planning to ensure career success and happiness. We don't want this to be you. On Tuesday, February 3rd, the San Francisco Professional and San Francisco State Graduate Net Impact Chapters are hosting executive coach Mark Guterman for an interactive program on shaping career success and happiness for 2015 and beyond.
Mark is without a doubt one of the best career speakers we’ve seen, and brings 30+ years of experience in all aspects of career development in for-profits and non-profits. He will share advice from the field on how to find, get, and keep meaningful work through practicing Life Long Employability in every stage of your career. Other topics for small-group discussions may include:
• Identifying your strengths (talent + investment)
• Learning your energy profile
• Articulating the values underlying your goals
• Telling your unique, compelling story
Agenda: Tuesday, February 3rd
-6:00 - 6:30 pm: Registration (Refreshments and snacks provided)
-6:30 - 7:30 pm: Interactive Discussion with Mark
-7:30 - 8:00 pm: Networking