Our first "Start" of the year will address the ODS 11 Cities and Sustainable Communities, specifically topic 11.2 which addresses urban mobility:
"By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, sustainable and affordable transport systems for all, improving road safety through the expansion of public transport, with special attention to the needs of vulnerable people, women, children, the disabled and the elderly. "
The New Urban Agenda encourages all levels of government, as well as civil society, to take on commitments for sustainable urban development. The document works to promote urban and territorial planning that guarantees the sustainable use of soil and natural resources by asking for compact, polycentric cities with appropriate density and connectivity and control of urban dispersion. The text instigates the integration of mobility plans into urban city planning and supports the prioritization of active transport on motorized transport, and Sustainable Transport Oriented Development (DOTS), which minimizes travel and enables more affordable costs. Sustainable urban mobility planning should promote gender responsive and age-sensitive security and accessibility, promoting efficient passenger and goods systems that connect people, places and economic opportunities.
In this context, in this meeting we seek to know more about the UN proposal and understand where Porto Alegre is and the distance between the current scenario and the idealized by the United Nations. To do so, there will be two moments: The first one will be open for public questions, and the second will be a guided bicycle tour around Redenção to better understand the concepts and visualize them better within the reality of Porto Alegre. Bicycles are available for hire.
Event schedule:
9am - Opening
9:10 to 9:40 - New Urban Agenda proposed by UN - Alexandre Pereira Santos of 3C
9:40 AM to 10:10 AM - Reality of Porto Alegre
10:10 to 10:40 - What is the city government planning for mobility?
10:40 a.m. to 11 p.m. - Questions
11:10 a.m. - Pedal with Technical Visit - Tássia Furtado