The Communiversity Gardens is a community vegetable garden that was established in the spring of 2014. The Communiversity Gardens thrive with the care and oversight of a strong volunteer network of students, faculty, staff, and community members. The purposes of the gardens are multidimensional in nature. They seek to improve agricultural literacy by increasing access to education about sustainable farming practices and the importance of local food production. They also help alleviate struggles associated with food deserts in our community while encouraging environmental awareness and ecologically-minded lifestyles to our students and community members. They provide opportunities for intergenerational and cross-cultural connections, they create opportunity for recreation, exercise, therapy, and education, and they present opportunities to collaborate, find innovative ideas, give back to the community and provide access to fresh produce for those who may not have easy access to it.
CAUSE is one of the many student groups who volunteer at the Communiversity Gardens. There are various activities that our members perform there, many of which are encompassed within the above description of the Gardens themselves. More specifically, some of the various things that CAUSE members have done while volunteering at the Communiversity Gardens include: pulling weeds, harvesting produce, composting organic plant matter, cleaning of produce for proper transfer over to the local food pantry, and keeping track of weights of various produce to keep record both for local food pantry and the Communiversity Gardens records. CAUSE members also have chances to further learn about environmental awareness, to learn about sustainable farming practices, to make new connections and to collaborate on new and innovative ideas relating to the gardens and sustainability itself. CAUSE is both proud and overjoyed to be able to have the opportunity for its members to volunteer towards such a valued pillar of the community.