As we embark on the post-2015 development agenda, the newly launched Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will set the agenda for global action for the next fifteen years. The SDGs cover a broadened range of sustainable development topics with 17 goals and 169 specific targets. They expand on the 8 previous goals (poverty and hunger, education, gender equality, maternal health, child mortality, HIV-AIDS, environmental sustainability, global partnership) and incorporate new goals and targets related to sustainable energy, economic growth and employment, resilient infrastructure, inequality, improvement of cities and settlements, sustainable consumption and production, climate change, sustainability of the seas and ecosystems, and a promotion of peaceful, inclusive societies.
This discussion will address what the new SDGs mean for the business community, seeking to answer:
- How will the SDGs push the sustainability agenda forward, involving companies as partners?
- What are resources for companies seeking to align their corporate responsibility goals with the SDGs?
- What impact will they have on the development of legislation or incentives affecting companies?
Salah Gross -
Vice President, International Development at MasterCard Worldwide;
Gavin Power -
Deputy Director, UN Global Compact;;
Chris Walker -
World Business Council for Sustainable Development – US ;
Catalina Garcia Gomez -
Director of Communications and Sustainable Development for SABMiller Latin America;
Alyson Genovese -
Head of Corporate l Stakeholder Relations, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI);
Ariel Meyerstein -
VP Labor Affairs, Corporate Responsibility and Governance, US Council for International Business