We have had a great turnout at our monthly Net Impact Networking Breakfasts so far! Thank you to those who have attended and started your first Tuesday of the month with us. It has been great getting to know you, sharing experiences, and discussing topics of mutual interest such as social entrepreneurship, sustainability, and of course our love for coffee. The next breakfast event will be on Tuesday, December 1st at Moose & Sadie's in the North Loop. Members of the Net Impact Minneapolis Professional Chapter Board will be there from 7:30am-8:30am. Come join us for the whole hour or just pop in for a bit. As a reminder, no RSVP necessary.
We'll continue to hold our monthly breakfasts at Moose & Sadie's for about 6 months, and then switch to a new location. Join us each month there, and then stay tuned later for our new location beginning in the late spring. We look forward to seeing you!
United States
Event host:
Net Impact Minneapolis Professional Chapter
Event contact email:
- See more at: https://www.netimpact.org/chapters/minneapolis-professional/events/sweets-monthly-networking-breakfasts-continue#sthash.zszb6ThL.dpuf