In this event, Karl Richter, CEO & Co-Founder, EngagedX will be discussing the impact investing eco-system, impact measurement practices and how EngagedX is playing its part in this space. To many the impact measurement landscape can resemble an alphabet soup of systems, methodologies, and tools.
At this session we will give an overview of various approaches to impact measurement used by impact investors and discuss a few of the most prominent resources such as the catalogue of IRIS performance metrics, the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology, and B Lab’s Global Impact Investing Rating System (GIIRS). Karl is the CEO and co-founder of EngagedX, whose mission is to develop infrastructure for the social impact investing market.
Karl is also a member of: Groupe d’Experts de la Commission sur l’Entrepreneuriat Social (GECES), appointed by the European Commission to advise on its Social Business Initiative and a fellow of the Finance Innovation Lab, an initiative to explore, innovate and evolve the financial system to sustain people and planet, convened by WWF and ICAEW. He also acts as an advisor on social impact investing to the Euclid Network (of European civil society professionals), coordinated the task force on social investment, which reported to the European Commission. EngagedX is the world’s first financial index and data platform for social impact investing that captures time-series data for both financial performance and societal impact.