Redefining responsibility: The role of business in societal progress
The 2015 Social Impact Exchange Day will be held on Saturday, 16th May. This year’s theme, Redefining responsibility: The role of
business in societal progress, will explore the foundations, challenges, and future trends of corporate responsibility.
Through dynamic sessions and activities, the programme will tackle some of the leading questions on this topic: What are the
drivers for innovation and outstanding corporate performance on social, environmental and governance issues? What are the
benefits of leadership to society and to the businesses themselves? How are we preparing the next generation of leaders across
all sectors to accelerate innovation in this space? What will the next wave of corporate responsibility look like?
The day will include discussions from keynote speakers and diverse panels representing a broad range of industries and sectors.
Participants will also have the chance to attend breakout sessions and actively engage in the conversation.
The event will be co-hosted by Cambridge University Judge Business School, London Business School, and Oxford Said Business
School; in collaboration with the Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation.
Key speakers
Ben Kennard, Forum for the Future
Kate Larsen, The Children’s Place and CSR Ethical Trade Advisor
Milan Samani, The IntrapreneurLab
Professor Paul Tracey, Cambridge University Judge Business School Centre for Social Innovation
Dr. Steve Waygood, Aviva Investors
Tim Cooper, Accenture