The Hult Prize is a global case competition sponsored by the Clinton Global Foundation, aiming to empower students to address the world’s most solvable problems through social business. This year, Claremont McKenna College became one of only two liberal arts schools to join a huge network of universities and business schools able to send one team to the Regional Finals in San Francisco. The winners of our internal competition, Phonetics (Milly ‘16, Kate ‘16, Khadija ‘17, Vanessa ‘17) received huge institutional support and went on to be extremely competitive in regionals.
The internal competition was hosted by impACT and coordinated by a team of 10 student volunteers. Fifty students participated, developing business plans and pitches for original companies aimed at tackling early childhood education in urban slums. Student impACT hosted seven workshops run by professors, staff, and local entrepreneurs to help participants refine their ideas. The competition itself was judged by a panel of experts in the community.