"The Principles of Freedom" - Faruq Hunter, founder of genius Co and Genius Corps. Is a renaissance man. Graduating college at 13. He now works with Genius Co to help social enterprise start-ups with a slant towards ending poverty. He gave a lecture on the what he calls the three principles of freedom, first free yourself from dependency on others. Secondly, create dependency to insure your independence. By letting others provide some of your basic needs you are letting them into your life and creating a dependence, which gives the provider power, strive to keep this to a minimum. Thirdly: Protect your freedom, Have to commit to yourself and helping the outside world and that takes dedication. Following these principles will help you and your business succeed and let you do what you want for the rest of your life.
Since 2002, the IMPACT Speaker Series has brought highly successful business leaders from a variety of industries to campus to share their experiences and give advice to students and other entrepreneurs on topics ranging from "building a venture around intellectual capital" to "successful entrepreneurship in large organizations" and "socially responsible leadership."
This event is open to the community.