Join the Net Impact South Florida Professional Chapter as we celebrate recycling and fashion with the Eco-Couture Recycling Fashion Show on April 2nd at the FIU School of Architecture!
Eco-Couture was created with the purpose of promoting sustainability through fashion.
Through collaborative effort from FIU students, the FIU Go Green office and their university's School of Architecture, they are happy to bring FIU and the community a one of a kind event featuring a recycled fashion show competition, giveaways of recycled projects they have constructed themselves, and recycled art installations.
All free and open to everyone, they strive to educate and inspire the community about good recycling habits and a sustainable lifestyle.
Students will create an outfit to be modeled in a runway only using recycled materials.
All contestants will receive hair & make-up assistance & a professional photoshoot.
Winners on April 2nd will receive a Florida International University Scholarship
First Prize: $1000
Second Prize: $500
Third Prize: $250
April 2nd Competition Event:
Presented by: FIU Office of University Sustainability, FIU Go Green, & FIU College of Architecture
Sponsored by: Net Impact South Florida Professional Chapter, Recycling Energy Forum, USGBC South Florida, Paradise Key, and Jessenia Gonzalez Photography