Please join us for a year-end celebration event with Goizueta Impact Investors (GII), and partner WorkReadyGrad.
As you may know, GII is an active, student-run investment fund focused on promoting social enterprises through targeted, short-term financing. In the past few years, the club has focused on lending to businesses located in the metro Atlanta area.
In June 2017, GII invested in WorkReadyGrad to help cover development costs for an Ed Tech platform used by JROTC programs. Since then, the social enterprise has grown astronomically: from Nov 2017 to Feb 2019, WorkReadyGrad expanded from 90 high schools in the Southeast Region to over 800 across the entire country!
In celebration of the partnership between GII and WorkReadyGrad, WorkReadyGrad’s founder, Brian Srikanchana, will be coming to campus to share progress updates. Please join us if you're available!