Nicholas Net Impact
About us
The Nic Net Impact Chapter is a networking and professional development club that connects Nicholas School students with environmental professionals in the private sector and provides access to resources for further business-related education. The club provides Nicholas School students with an outlet to access environmental opportunities within the world of business and expand their knowledge and skills related to the field.
The Nic Net Impact Chapter allows environmental/sustainability professionals in the field the opportunity to learn more about the MEM program and provide mutually beneficial networking opportunities for both Nicholas School students and environmental professionals. Our club is directly aligned with the goals of the Nicholas School administration in terms of placing more MEMs in private sector jobs.
The Nic Net Impact Chapter provides the additional training and resources that help prepare MEM graduates to be successful in corporate careers, while differentiating them from MBA students. To fulfill this mission, the Nic Net Impact Chapter will remain committed to providing its members with an array of opportunities that will:
1) Develop and strengthen the skills, instincts, abilities, and resources of environmental management students to become leaders in the sustainability field and influence change.
2) Grow the professional network of Nicholas School of the Environment students by engaging with committed practitioners in the sustainability field with an emphasis on Nicholas School alumni.
3) Increase awareness of Nic Net Impact’s role in various organizational structures including nonprofits, government agencies, and private businesses.