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Chapter Leadership Support: Career Development

Today’s job market is different than it was even a few years ago. The rules have changed, and job seekers are forced to navigate an unfamiliar, often confusing terrain. Net Impact's career resources will empower your members to take control of their job searches, engage them in skill-building activities, and expose them to undiscovered opportunities.

Host career events

Internal event ideas:

  • Workshops | Help members define their career objectives, refine elevator pitches, review resumes, or practice interviewing
  • Career Panels | Invite speakers from a broad spectrum of industries to represent the landscape of impact career options
  • Info Sessions | Do deep-dives into specific sectors or functional roles
  • Job Fair | Partner with career centers, other clubs, nearby chapters, or host your own!
  • Networking Events | Bring together alumni, working professionals, and other Net Impact chapters to build your network
  • Looking for an offline career program for members? Don't forget about our newest Impact Program, MAP!

Off-site event ideas

  • Site Visits | Get an inside look into how different functional roles can make a positive impact at local companies or organizations
  • Career Treks | Visit multiple companies and organizations in a particular city
  • Job Shadowing | Help members learn the ins and outs of a particular impact role

Leverage your leadership experience

  • On LinkedIn: You can include your leadership role on your LinkedIn profile, and use key words like founder and leader in your title. However, please be sure you do notselect Net Impact global as your organization (this lists you as staff, which is inaccurate). Also be sure to participate in Net Impact's LinkedIn group.
  • On your resume: Note key accomplishments you achieved during your leadership term (e.g. developed on-campus partnership that brought 25 employers to campus each year, facilitated a workshop to help other professionals gain negotiation skills, etc)