Why should we produce food that ends up not entering our bellies? Throwing away food in agricultural fields and wasting them on the forks is like stealing from the table of those who are poor (Pope Francis). According to Tristran Stuart Reducing food loss and food waste is a delicious way of saving money, helping to feed the world and protect the planet. Stuart also acknowledges that previously having more food than need was an evolutionary advantage that allow human to store food as a precaution for bad harvest. He also recognizes that those advantages of surplus food are no longer valid. An abundance of food today is more harmful than helpful. Presently, about 64% of the food produced globally is loss before it reaches the consumer.
In an effort to increase edible food while lessening the impact on climate, Meg Wah and Net impact Buea professional chapter organized a work shop on Wednesday 8th November, 2017 on food solutions challenge with the goal to reduce food loss, increase the amount of edible food while lessening the impact on climate. 42 participants from all works of life within Buea took part in the work shop. During the brain storming sessions, participants came up with innovative ideas such as using food scraps for compost and for animal feed, allowing the field to be gleaned.
It was an honor being a participant what are you waiting for you can do something too so go to www.netimpact.org/chapter-hub/chapters/buea-professional and joint our next coming event.
Presented by Fritz Mukow Nsanyi for Meg Wah and Net Impact Buea