Friday, February 5, 2016
Eric Henry, President, TS Designs
On February 5th, Bard MBA in Sustainability will be speaking with Eric Henry, President of TS Designs. TS offers the most sustainable t-shirts and printing options on the planet. They use organic cotton, recycled materials and even an organic “dirt to shirt” grown and made in North Carolina shirts and use water based inks. They also use on site solar, wind and compost power to power much of their facilities.
Eric has always had a heart for farming and gardening from a little kid- despite the fact he grew up in a large city. He started out thinking he would study agriculture – but his journey led him to cotton, shirts and sustainability. "Creating profitable, scalable businesses that respect all stake-holders is at the core of the Bard MBA's mission." Eban Goodstein, Director of the Bard MBA in Sustainability
Join the Bard MBA in Sustainability program for our twice-monthly dial-in podcast series over your lunchtime featuring sustainability leaders from the New York City area and across the planet.
Dial in: 845-746-2287 (no need to enter a pin to join the call)
Sustainable Business Fridays convenes every first and fourth Friday of the month during the semester, with special guests selected by students in the Bard MBA in Sustainability program.
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST