Net Impact Central Resources
The Net Impact Chapters Team provides a range of support to Chapter leaders. Below are a few specific types of support we offer. If you can’t find the information you need on the Chapter Hub, please reach out to us and we’ll get back to you soon with an answer.
- Leader Support - Our staff is here to help you directly. We are happy to talk through planning your year, thinking through a program, or leadership challenges.
- Knowledge Sharing - Net Impact Central hosts regular conference calls with Chapter leaders on a range of topics. If you are interest in participating please let us know.
- Program Support - If you are working on a Net Impact Central-supported program a staff member is always available to help.
- Chapter Leader Session at NI18 - The session at the National Conference is a great way to meet other leaders, gain skills, and develop as a leader. Learn more here.
Campus-Based Resources
For campus-based Chapters, your school likely has support resources and staff. Campus activities, leadership development, and student government could all be places to check for help and guidance. Your institution also probably has requirements for your Chapter to keep in mind and opportunities for funding.