Newmanitarian – someone who gives back just because it’s the right thing to do
You may have heard about Paul Newman from your parents as the actor with the incredible blue eyes. You probably have seen his face on a jar of pasta sauce or carton of lemonade. Paul Newman is also famous for founding Newman’s Own Foundation, one of Net Impact’s supporters. In recognition of reaching the milestone of $500 million donated to charity, Newman's Own Foundation has launched a #Newmanitarian campaign, calling for acts of kindness. This can include small gestures of being kind, doing good deeds, and extending generosity towards others. Individuals are asked to visit and take a pledge to give back. Newmanitarians can then share the pledge and their good deeds on social media.
"Paul once asked, 'What could be better than to hold out your hand to those less fortunate?' and we believe, as he did, that each of us can help another in some small way," said Bob Forrester, President and CEO of Newman's Own Foundation. "By asking people to commit acts of kindness, we're hoping to spread the idea that philanthropy isn't just about money. It means that we can all do something to make our world a better place."
The FTMA students at Sacred Heart University started a video series about what it takes to be a Newmanitarian with small acts of kindness. We hope this inspires your own give back story.
For more information about the #Newmanitarian campaign and to take the pledge, visit If you would like to submit a story about being a #Newmanitarian, post to social media with the hashtag or email your story to